Big One Year Old Boy!
Well, it seems like the early days of Benjamin Jack are becoming the later days because he's ONE YEAR OLD! Ben turned 1 yesterday and he is certainly becoming a little toddler! He's starting to walk and is able to stand on his own for a long period of time. He's also able to communicate with us using his voice and the baby signs we've been diligently trying to teach him. All the while we thought that the sign language was a flop. However, Ben knows the sign for dog (panting loudly) and he even did the sign for bottle or milk yesterday! It's amazing to watch him learn.
We've been very busy lately so that's why it's been a while since the last post. We went to Eugene, Oregon for Auntie Rachie and Uncle Shane's baby shower. We drove with Ben and Buster and to our surprise they both did wonderfully on the car ride. There was no whining despite the long drive. We had so much fun there! Then we went for a visit to the Mad-town where we saw lots of family. He did so well on the plane ride. It was awesome. Here are some great pictures of our adventures lately and the big boy growing up! Happy Birthday Baby Ben!