Ben is 2 Years Old --- and he gets a visit from Auntie Judy and Uncle Larry
Ben is a terrific two-year old! Constantly moving and talking when he's awake...and even in his sleep! You can tell that his memory is growing because he likes to tell stories that he remembers from a while ago! Such as, when Papa stepped in poop and at the baseball game when the ball hit the television in the box seats. It's amazing to watch him learn and be able to communicate so well.
The pictures in this blog entry are from his birthday party, fun in the hot summer sun, and from Auntie Judy and Uncle Larry's visit! We had so much fun!!!! We went to Napa, a baseball game, and got to hang out by the pool. Having them here was so much fun that Ben still talks about them! He says, "Aunt Ju-e go bye-bye." It's so sweet...