He keeps on growing!
Here are some really cute pictures of Benjamin. We have been having so much fun with him. And, lucky for us he's starting to sleep more steadily...from 11-3:30 and then from 4:00-6:45a.m. It's quite nice! He's becoming more and more aware of his surroundings everyday, even looking at us in the eyes and responding to the sounds of rattles and bells. He still really likes lights! He's not so fond of the swing chair or bouncer, but hopefully he'll like those more when he's older!
Most of the pictures speak for themselves, but the ones that don't: A picture of my friend Carol's son Luke holding Benjamin, Auntie Rachel and Benjamin and then Auntie Rachel holding Benjamin while Buster peed on her foot (Where did that come from? But it was hilarious!), and Grandma Laurie holding Benjamin while she stayed with us and helped us out! Thanks Grandma Laurie!
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